Core Modules Overview
Core Modules Overview
There are 13 free core modules provided with the latest version of OpenCart:
- Account: The User Account links (My Account, Edit Account, Order History, etc) box for the customer to access.
- Affiliate: Links for the store's affiliate program is made available in a box for affiliates to access.
- Banners: Adds an image banner with icons linking to different products or manufacturers in the store.
- Bestsellers: Adds a window displaying the best sellers wherever position/page it is specified.
- Carousel: Displays banner that can be navigated through as a slideshow.
- Category: Displays a module containing all the categories and subcategories of the store.
- Featured: Displays a feature box containing selected products.
- Google Talk: A chat box used with a Google account to interact with customers.
- Information: Adds the information tab containing the Information pages (About Us, Delivery Info, Privacy Policy, Terms&Conditions)
- Latest: Adds the latest, or most recently added, products in the form of product icons to a product box on a page.
- Specials: Displays all the products with Specials in a product box. Specials can be added to products in the Special tab.
- Store: Creates a box for the customer to select another store to visit if there are multiple stores managed with OpenCart.
- Welcome: Creates a custom "Welcome" message for the customer to view on the home page.
All of these modules can be manipulated with the Layout, Position, Status, and Sort Order tools in Modules.